
A thermostable β-glucosidase transferring D-glucose residues

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bgl162A thermostable β-glucosidase. The enzyme catalyses the transfer of D-glucose residues in disaccharides, alkyl glycosides or other aglycone-linked glycosides to water (hydrolysis) or to alcohols depending on reaction conditions.

The enzyme is available for purchase as 100 units size

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Product : Bgl162 | Beta-glucosidase 100 units | Price : 310.00 EUR

 For further information read more below or download the product sheet


Enzyme activity: Bgl162 β-glucosidase catalyses deglycosylations and transglycosylation reactions with retaining mechanism. The enzyme can both catalyse hydrolysis of various glycosides and transglycosylations with alcohols.

Activity determination: Glycosidase activity was determined at 85°C in a 20 mM citrate phosphate buffer at pH 5.6 and incubated for 5 minutes with 2.92 mM final concentration of p-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucanopyranoside.


Unit definition: One unit (U) of enzyme activity is the amount that leads to the release of 1 μmol of p-nitrophenyl from p-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucanopyranoside (pNPG) per minute.


Synonyms: β-glucosidase, glycoside hydrolase, β-D-glucoside glucohydrolase


Protein family: Glycosyl hydrolase family 3 ( GH3 ) – CAZy database GH3 family


Enzyme classification: EC


Source: The thermophilic bacteria Thermotoga neopolitana


Protein sequence: NBCI protein entry


Structural information: The crystal structure of β-glucosidase from Thermotoga neopolitana has been determined to 2.05 Å resolution (Pozzo et al. 2010). – PDB entry 2X41


Crystal structure of Bgl162 Beta-Glucosidase

Figure 1: Crystal structure of β-glucosidase 3B from Thermotoga neopolitana 


Substrates and Applications:

Polyphenol glycoside hydrolysis: The enzyme may be used for hydrolysis of various glycosides such as polyphenol glycosides including naturally occurring antioxidants such as quercetin-glycosides found in various vegetables (Fig. 2). For complete hydrolysis of 1 μmol of quercetin-4-glycoside in 5 minutes at 80°C and pH 5.5, about 28 pmol (~25 μg) enzyme was needed (Turner et al 2006)


Alkyl glycoside synthesis: The enzyme may be used for transglycolysation with alcohols as acceptors such as in  synthesis of alkyl glycosides. At 60°C, the ratio of alcoholysis to hydrolysis is 5.1 with a pNPG conversion rate of 153U/mg whereas at 90°C the ratio of alcoholysis to hydrolysis is 4.5 and the pNPG conversion rate of is 831U/mg. (Turner et al. 2007)


Properties of ThermoActive™ β-glucosidase:

Bgl162 Beta-Glucosidase activity vs. temperature

 Figure 2. Temperature optimum: the enzyme has optimum activity around 90°C


Substrate specificity of Bglu162 Beta-Glucosidase


  Figure 3. Example of substrate specificity: quercetin




Turner C, Turner P, Jacobson G, Waldebäck M, Sjöberg P, Nordberg Karlsson E  & Markides K. (2006). Subcritical water extraction and β-glucosidase catalyzed hydrolysis of quercetin in onion waste. Green Chem. 8: 949–959.


Turner P, Svensson D, Adlercreutz P & Karlsson EN (2007). A novel variant of Thermotoga neapolitana β-glucosidase B is an efficient catalyst for the synthesis of alkyl glucosides by transglycosylation. J. Biotechnol.130: 67–74.


Pozzo T, Pasten JL, Karlssoon EN and Logan DT 2010. Structural and functional analyses of beta-glucosidase 3B fromThermotoga neopolitana: a thermostable three-domain representative of glycosidase hydrolase 3. J Mol Biol 397: 724-39

Additional information

Unit size and price

100 units – EUR 310